By-law No. 23-03-2020 a by-law to amend the rural plan of the Village of Nigadoo
By-law No. 23-03-2020 a by-law to amend the rural plan of the Village of Nigadoo
By-law No. 23-03-2020 a by-law to amend the rural plan of the Village of Nigadoo
Amending the by-laws 18-2010 and 23-2010 of the Town of Beresford
Adoption of a new rural plan for the territory of the municipality of Petit-Rocher
The village has received a request from 679798 NB Inc. to rezone the property located at 133 du Moulin Street. This property is located between the CN Railway and des Sapins Street and bear PID number 20422135.